
Past Publications on Piedmont Project and Emory Sustainability Efforts

Barlett, Peggy F.
2002 The Emory University Walking Tour: Awakening a Sense of Place. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3(2): 105-112.

Barlett, Peggy F. and Arri Eisen
2002 The Piedmont Project at Emory University. In, Teaching Sustainability at Universities: Towards Curriculum Greening. Walter Leal Filho, editor. Pp. 61-77. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Publishers.

Barlett, Peggy F.
2004 No Longer Waiting for Someone Else to Do It: A Tale of Reluctant Leadership. In,
Barlett and Chase, Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change. Pp. 67-90 Cambridge: MIT Press.

Barlett, Peggy F.
2005 Reconnecting with Place: Faculty and the Piedmont Project at Emory University. In, Urban Place. Peggy F. Barlett, editor. Pp. 39-60. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Eisen, Arri and Barlett, Peggy F.
2006 The Piedmont Project: Fostering Faculty Development Toward Sustainability. Journal of Environmental Education 38(1):25-36.

Barlett, Peggy F. and Benjamin Stewart
2008 Shifting the University: Faculty Engagement and Curriculum Change. In, Anthropology and Global Climate Change: Witnessing, Communicating, Acting. Susan A. Crate and Robert K. Hitchcock, editors. Pp. 356-369. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Barlett, Peggy F.
2008 Reason and Reenchantment in Cultural Change: Sustainability and Higher Education.
Current Anthropology, 49(6):1077-1098.

Eisen, Arri, Anne Hall, Tong Soon Lee, Jack Zupko
2009 Teaching Water: Connecting across Disciplines and into Daily life to Address Complex Societal Issues. College Teaching, 57(2):99 -104.

Barlett, Peggy F. and Ann Rappaport
2009 Long-term Impacts of Faculty Development Programs: The Experience of TELI and Piedmont. College Teaching, 57(2):73-82.

Barlett, Peggy F. and Geoffrey W. Chase
2012   Curriculum Innovation for Sustainability: the Piedmont/Ponderosa Model of Faculty Development. Liberal Education 98(4):14-21.

Hartfield-Méndez, Vialla, Karen Stolley, and Hong Li
2019 When Sustainability Means Understanding: Modern Languages and Emory University’s Piedmont Project. In Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment: Theory, Curricula, Institutional Structures. Charlotte Ann Melin, editor. Pp 272-288.  New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America.